To learn of all the health benefits like helping you lose weight, making your skin glow, and giving your body the fluids it needs to run properly and give you more energy, go to google and type in "water and health". I know ands are not needed in a google search, but I like using them. You'll discover all the facts you need to know!
*If you go to websites such as WebMD or Mayo Clinic they make statements that you don't have to just drink water to get your water intake.
Anyway, I am lucky if I get 16 ounces of water a day. It's why my skin is always so dry (and a part of the reason why a pregnant woman's skin glows). I am too busy during the day that I don't remember to drink up until I'm on break and then I'm way past the point of being thirsty.
So to help me with this weeks challenge will be two things: 1- marked water bottles (awesome idea on my HYDRATION post from June 2012); 2- There's an app for that! I'm using a free one. I'm not sure if I will like it yet or not, so I'm not name-dropping.
The challenge for this week: to drink at least 32 ounces of water a day. (Yes, I know the standard [64oz], but I also know me... I suck at drinking up! If I end up drinking more, then I'll surpass my goal!)
So join the challenge, get healthier one step at a time! Modify the water challenge to you. If you do comment below, let me know I'm not alone!