Sunday, December 20, 2015


So I'm currently working on getting things in order, we are getting our plans in gear. We still have our cell phones and no internet.

But as far as a healthy me, I've found 2 things that seem to be working so I'll challenge you. 1) meal planning... I've made some scrumptious stuff already. 2) logging everything I eat! It's been a wake up call. So the challenge, try one of the 2 above and stick with it! 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Swinging On Back

Last weekend, I had a mental break-down... It's been a rough month thus far. So very blessed with family! 

Our family is making changes. 

I'd like to lose the baby weight from my first pregnancy as I've successfully maintained my weight since returning to work, but now I'm ready for more changes. :)

My husband is planning on going hunting next hunting season and will be hauling a "backpack" with him for days so he wants to lose weight so he can actually make the trek.

We are also making other lifestyle changes... We are getting rid of our smartphones, going back to basic, and getting Internet instead. After 3 years, it'll be about time. :-) With my job and the hubs going back to school, it'll be much easier. So, less distractions for me... Hopefully.

Right now, I'm just going to get back into the groove, eventually I'll post challenges again!