Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Miracles Do Happen!

So much has happened since March 22.

I did really well with the Flat Belly Diet until finals came. I tried to start it up again, but life was so hectic. After school ended, I helped my mom move, broke-up with my boyfriend (who I thought I would be spending the rest of my life with), went on vacation and then I moved to the other side of town. It was overwhelmingly crazy! Once I moved in and settled my own life just a little, I attempted to do the Flat Belly Diet again. I couldn't. I tried, but I couldn't stick to the regimen.

So I went on vacation to FLORIDA over the 4th of July. I booked the tickets just 3 weeks prior and I decided to work-out five days a week and eat healthier that way I would lose some weight before I was at the beach in my swim-suit. I ended up not working out 5 days a week like I wanted, but I still lost weight. I was down to 210 lbs when I left. :)

I came back and gained some weight. I told you my story above about reattempting to do the Flat Belly Diet. Then school started for me on August 25th and I was student teaching. This meant I was on my feet for 6 hours a day, constantly walking around. I lived one hour away from the school so I was running out the door without much to eat. Lunch was whatever I grabbed out of the freezer. After school, I would then go to work. I usually ate something frozen for dinner as well. Let's just say after about 10 weeks, I was sick of frozen food. So between eating less and constantly moving around, I lost weight.

I lost so much weight and I lost it fast. I am now down to 194.5 lbs. I am a size 16/18, depending on who makes the clothes. To me that is a miracle. I was losing 1 to 2 lbs a week which is nice because I've struggled so much with my weight in the last few years!

This holiday season, I've managed to maintain which makes me very happy. Since I am not in school any more I can work-out and focus on my health a lot more in 2011!

Weight Loss Over the Months
March 22: 220-225
June ?: 216
July 3: 210.5
July 6: 212
Aug 23: 215
Oct 29: 201
Dec 3: 196
Dec 27: 194.5

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