Friday, July 20, 2012

Cycle Conspiracy

Just for kicks and giggles, I was reading my past posts and I see a pattern...

I read the post Miracles Do Happen and realized that I go through a cycle or pattern.

In 2010, I was at my lowest weight in December. Same thing for 2011.

Come June of 2011 and 2012, I am weighing in heavier...

I have a cycle... AHHH!

I get disgusted with myself during the summer and start changing habits so by the end of the year I am at my lowest weight. Then something happens and I start gaining weight in January or February and keep going until I get disgusted with myself again.

Now that I know... maybe that is a goal I can work on starting next year.

Now I see why it is important to record your weight and journal your habits. I am discovering things I have never even noticed!

Eating Habits

Yesterday I weighed in at 202.5lbs...


I figured it out and now I am trying to fix it.

I get bored and I eat. I see others eat and I eat. I say I am not full and I eat.

Most of the time, it is the third one.

Clearly it is mind over matter.

So what am I doing about it?

I have to stop, and consciously tell myself (making every part of me aware), that I am not hungry and that I don't need to eat because I am not starving and I will be okay until the next meal. This is usually during a movie or a TV show or real late at night.

I have said that to myself the last 2 nights. The first morning I woke up kind of in shock because I was fine. I wasn't hungry. I didn't wake up starving just because I did not eat a late night snack. This reaction clearly told me it is mind over matter. So last night when I wanted to snack, I had to tell myself that I was not hungry and that I would be okay.

I have made it a point to eat at certain times or for certain events when I didn't need to and my subconscious has gotten use to eating as much as I want whenever I want. I now have to retrain my subconscious to not use those things as triggers. It's probably why I lost so much weight at the end of last year... I was so stressed and busy that I ate when I was starving because I didn't have time to register it was time to eat.

So I am going to make an effort in eating every 4-5 hours watching the calories that I consume.

The Gym!

I got a gym membership...



Seriously though, it is too hot here in southern Nevada to not have a gym membership. I prefer being outdoors, but other than that please get me to a gym!

The gym I go to has a ton of classes! I love doing Zumba and Body Pump! My favorite thing about this gym, why I became a member, is because the pool is outside! I can still swim at 11am and be in the shade! I LOVE it!


I pin.

Yes, I am addicted to pinterest.

I have a lot of friends and family that are into fitness and health. Many of the pins I see fall into that area. I saw this when I first started using pinterest and loved it. I forgot all about it until I was sorting my pins.

To me, this is more motivating than those pictures with skinny people telling me to stay motivated and work hard because I will look like this. That doesn't help me. This is more inspiring to me than those photos. Those other "motivating" photos makes me feel bad about myself and I am not okay with that.

My aim and end goal is ultimately be healthy and happy. I have a life that is surrounded by work, family, and friends. I want to look and feel better, but I don't want to be unhappy doing it. I keep reflecting back to my senior year in high school during volleyball season when I worked out for 4 hours a day, 6 days a week for 2 weeks. Once school started, it was 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. I have lost weight before the healthy way. I know I can do it again, I just need to realize that I am an adult and I have to take into consideration that I work and I have a life. Being healthy allows me to have this life, but I still have a life and I can't get sad by the fact that how I work out and eat are different. This is 8 years later and though I am still young, I am older. I have been at an unhealthy weight for over 4 years. I have not been treating my body the way that I should.

So yes, this picture is more motivating to me because I CAN DO IT! I will do it my way that allows me to be happy while being healthy. I have done so much research over the years about fitness and eating healthier. I have the knowledge, it is now time for me to start using what I know and just do it.

Many times I feel like the girl on the right... timid, embarrassed.... but I look at that and think that it is not me. I do not want to be that girl who is afraid. Fear will not help me accomplish anything.

Word of advise: find something that motivates you and just go!