Sunday, November 2, 2014

Do it like the French?

I was just reading a friend's post on Facebook. The link lead me to here...

It was an interesting read. I love how it says we need to train our kiddos young to love food and to have a healthy relationship with it. As a mom of an almost 1 year old, the tips shared was fantastic. Even if you have older children, the information shared is applicable to you and your family. Check it out! 

Snacking, Done Right?

Okay, so I am proud of the changes that are happening in my life.

I am a little less stressed. I have begun to lose weight naturally, without truly trying. My challenges so far have been to journal, manage my time more wisely, and drink more water. Those three changes alone I feel have gotten me far. On top of the weight loss, I am in a much more stable place emotionally too. That makes me happy.

So the holiday season is upon us... I actually thought about making a challenge about snacking last week because Halloween was on Friday and that would be more beneficial to you that may be reading this. Since I decided to stay true to myself and the changes that I needed to make, I stuck to my water intake.

Now I feel as though I can tackle the next challenge, snacking. I do not know about you, but I snack... a lot! I snack on anything convenient and easy. I may snack on chips, snack bars, or whatever is around that does not require a lot of work. The only problem is the way I eat my snacks is considered "mindless eating".

Within the last few weeks, my daughter has begun to eat regular food instead of baby food. My daughter craves and loves anything fruits and vegetables. I guess that was a GREAT pregnancy craving. She is helping me to snack healthier, but I am not with her 24/7 sadly. My challenge will be to snack healthier! SMART goal: I will eat healthier snacks that are low calorie and filling by preparing snacks ahead of time and logging them each day this week starting 11/2/14.

I will try (HAHAHA!) to make a list for this blog and take personal pictures of my healthy snacks. Let me know that I am not alone! Tell me who you are, what your personal challenge is for the week, and your end goal!

Enjoy the cooler weather!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Did You Drink Up?!?

Yes, yes I did.

I went into my pantry and pulled a portable cup that I was not a fan of and took it to school anyways. Every time I saw it, it reminded me to drink. Now, did I still get the amount I needed? I am not sure, but I did drink more than I usually do and that is a start!

Not the exact cup, but similar.

I did not use an app, nor did I mark my cup... But I drank 3-4 of those cups a day plus whatever I drank at home so I am positive I met my challenge of 32 oz a day!

I do not know if the two are correlated, but I did lose almost 4 lbs. this week! :)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Did you think to drink today?

No, not wine though I know there have been studies done. I mean water. Our body is made functionable by water. Without water, we would die. If you're a prepper or know womeone who is, it is why they usually have at least one giant container of it. 

To learn of all the health benefits like helping you lose weight, making your skin glow, and giving your body the fluids it needs to run properly and give you more energy, go to google and type in "water and health". I know ands are not needed in a google search, but I like using them. You'll discover all the facts you need to know! 

*If you go to websites such as WebMD or Mayo Clinic they make statements that you don't have to just drink water to get your water intake. 

Anyway, I am lucky if I get 16 ounces of water a day. It's why my skin is always so dry (and a part of the reason why a pregnant woman's skin glows). I am too busy during the day that I don't remember to drink up until I'm on break and then I'm way past the point of being thirsty. 

So to help me with this weeks challenge will be two things: 1- marked water bottles (awesome idea on my HYDRATION post from June 2012); 2- There's an app for that! I'm using a free one. I'm not sure if I will like it yet or not, so I'm not name-dropping. 

The challenge for this week: to drink at least 32 ounces of water a day. (Yes, I know the standard [64oz], but I also know me... I suck at drinking up! If I end up drinking more, then I'll surpass my goal!) 

So join the challenge, get healthier one step at a time! Modify the water challenge to you. If you do comment below, let me know I'm not alone! 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

So, where did the time go?

Well, last Sunday I made a post about what I did with my time and do I actually have the time in my day. I do. I just have to cut out the crap.

I've slept 32 hours in the last 6 nights.
I've spent 45 hours at work.
I've spent 4 hours grading papers.
I've spent 5 hours in travel time.
I've spent 3 hours being crafty making my daughter's Halloween costume.
I've spent 19 hours on my phone.
I've spent 8 hours with my family.
I've spent 2 hours getting ready in the morning. 
The other 2 hours were probably dinner, journal writing, or something that doesn't take much time. 

So where is the time to work out? All of those hours adds up to a total of 5 days. Work and all that comes with it is non-negotiable. All that time on my phone is right before going to bed making sure I don't fall asleep with my baby or me waking up in the middle of the night (yeah, I know, it's a bad habit!) Usually by the time I get home so I can exercise, it's dark. 

So where does the reasoning end and I say, taking care of my health is non-negotiable too? I'm the heaviest I've ever been minus 2 lbs. It's time to make those changes because I need a healthier life! 

So I guess I will start with my phone and go from there... In fact, I'll make a SMART goal. Not sure what that is, check below! 

I will limit my phone usage to 2 hours a day or 14 hours a week starting today: Saturday 10/25/14. 

I know it's a lot, but I do not have internet at home so it's how I blog, get crafty/dinner ideas from Pinterest, and stay connected with family, friends, coworkers, and news through social media and email. That still leaves me with at least 5 hours a week to exercise! 

How did you do with the challenge this week? What do you need to shed out of your life? Leave a comment below! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

How much time do you have?

I was inspired by this picture I saw on Pinterest. The website it originates from is

How many hours a week am I wasting? I decided to calculate my hours since I clock more than 40 hours at work.
68 hours is a lot of time left in a week. I'm pretty sure I know where most of my week goes... Driving, spending time with family, and being on my phone (Facebook, Pinterest, Internet). That's a lot of time that I have available to be productive! Ultimately, I want to make an overall lifestyle change. It will be difficult to do if I'm stressed and if I waste my time. So my challenge this week is to track (physically write down) what I am doing with my time. Hopefully I can make some positive changes happen and if you join me, maybe you can too! 

Back to Basics

Okay, so I decided to begin blogging my healthy lifestyle journey. I need to be held accountable to more than just myself... as sad as that seems. 

A lot has happened since I first began this blog and last wrote on here. I am married now and we have one beautiful daughter. 

Quite a bit of changes have occurred. Being healthy is not only more important to me now and has become a priority, but it has become more difficult. 

I have a career that has me working 50+ hours a week and a family to take of. Since my daughter was born and I've returned to work, I've realized I must pick and choose my battles. So, my house doesn't get cleaned as often as I'd like. I don't always get as much work stuff done as I'd like. My husband cooks much more often than I do. I don't get to spend the quality time I feel I should with my family. I am not eating healthy like I should or working out.

If you noticed from the battles I've chosen, I was stressed! So step 1: release my stress! I had much to say. I'm the type of person who explains thoroughly and when I don't speak my mind then it adds to my stress. So after looking for my old journal, and never finding it, I bought myself a new journal. 

It seems to have worked because my stress levels feel lower and I feel like giving myself a new challenge in this Back to Basics. 

For those who decide to follow me, I will try to write and post something new once a week. Maybe, we can even do this journey together!