Sunday, November 2, 2014

Do it like the French?

I was just reading a friend's post on Facebook. The link lead me to here...

It was an interesting read. I love how it says we need to train our kiddos young to love food and to have a healthy relationship with it. As a mom of an almost 1 year old, the tips shared was fantastic. Even if you have older children, the information shared is applicable to you and your family. Check it out! 

Snacking, Done Right?

Okay, so I am proud of the changes that are happening in my life.

I am a little less stressed. I have begun to lose weight naturally, without truly trying. My challenges so far have been to journal, manage my time more wisely, and drink more water. Those three changes alone I feel have gotten me far. On top of the weight loss, I am in a much more stable place emotionally too. That makes me happy.

So the holiday season is upon us... I actually thought about making a challenge about snacking last week because Halloween was on Friday and that would be more beneficial to you that may be reading this. Since I decided to stay true to myself and the changes that I needed to make, I stuck to my water intake.

Now I feel as though I can tackle the next challenge, snacking. I do not know about you, but I snack... a lot! I snack on anything convenient and easy. I may snack on chips, snack bars, or whatever is around that does not require a lot of work. The only problem is the way I eat my snacks is considered "mindless eating".

Within the last few weeks, my daughter has begun to eat regular food instead of baby food. My daughter craves and loves anything fruits and vegetables. I guess that was a GREAT pregnancy craving. She is helping me to snack healthier, but I am not with her 24/7 sadly. My challenge will be to snack healthier! SMART goal: I will eat healthier snacks that are low calorie and filling by preparing snacks ahead of time and logging them each day this week starting 11/2/14.

I will try (HAHAHA!) to make a list for this blog and take personal pictures of my healthy snacks. Let me know that I am not alone! Tell me who you are, what your personal challenge is for the week, and your end goal!

Enjoy the cooler weather!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Did You Drink Up?!?

Yes, yes I did.

I went into my pantry and pulled a portable cup that I was not a fan of and took it to school anyways. Every time I saw it, it reminded me to drink. Now, did I still get the amount I needed? I am not sure, but I did drink more than I usually do and that is a start!

Not the exact cup, but similar.

I did not use an app, nor did I mark my cup... But I drank 3-4 of those cups a day plus whatever I drank at home so I am positive I met my challenge of 32 oz a day!

I do not know if the two are correlated, but I did lose almost 4 lbs. this week! :)