Friday, July 20, 2012

Eating Habits

Yesterday I weighed in at 202.5lbs...


I figured it out and now I am trying to fix it.

I get bored and I eat. I see others eat and I eat. I say I am not full and I eat.

Most of the time, it is the third one.

Clearly it is mind over matter.

So what am I doing about it?

I have to stop, and consciously tell myself (making every part of me aware), that I am not hungry and that I don't need to eat because I am not starving and I will be okay until the next meal. This is usually during a movie or a TV show or real late at night.

I have said that to myself the last 2 nights. The first morning I woke up kind of in shock because I was fine. I wasn't hungry. I didn't wake up starving just because I did not eat a late night snack. This reaction clearly told me it is mind over matter. So last night when I wanted to snack, I had to tell myself that I was not hungry and that I would be okay.

I have made it a point to eat at certain times or for certain events when I didn't need to and my subconscious has gotten use to eating as much as I want whenever I want. I now have to retrain my subconscious to not use those things as triggers. It's probably why I lost so much weight at the end of last year... I was so stressed and busy that I ate when I was starving because I didn't have time to register it was time to eat.

So I am going to make an effort in eating every 4-5 hours watching the calories that I consume.

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